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Amazon Cognito

Amazon Cognito provides SSO identity management for end users of web and mobile apps. You can integrate Amazon Cognito as an OIDC identity provider for Cloudflare Zero Trust.


Set up Amazon Cognito (OIDC)

1. Obtain Amazon Cognito settings

The following Amazon Cognito values are required to set up the integration:

  • App (client) ID
  • Client secret
  • Auth URL
  • Token URL
  • Certificate (key) URL

To retrieve those values:

  1. Log in to your Amazon Cognito admin portal.

  2. Go to User pools and select your user pool.

  3. Select the App integration tab.

  4. Under Domain, copy your user pool domain or configure a new domain.

  5. Make note of the following Amazon Cognito OIDC endpoints:

    • Auth URL: https://<your user pool domain>/oauth2/authorize
    • Token URL: https://<your user pool domain>/oauth2/token
    • Certificate (key) URL: https://cognito-idp.<region><your user pool ID>/.well-known/jwks.json (This is the Token signing key URL shown in User pool overview.)
  6. Under App client list, select Create app client.

  7. For App type, select Confidential client.

  8. Enter an App client name for your application.

  9. Ensure that Generate a client secret is selected.

  10. Configure the following Hosted UI settings:

    1. In Allowed callback URLs, add the following URL:


      You can find your team name in Zero Trust under Settings > Custom Pages.

    2. Select Identity providers to use with this app client. At minimum, enable Cognito user pool as a provider.

    3. For OAuth 2.0 grant types, select Authorization code grant.

    4. For OpenID Connect scopes, select OpenID, Email, and Profile.

  11. Select Create app client.

  12. Next, select the app client you just created.

  13. Copy its Client ID and Client secret.

2. Add Amazon Cognito as an identity provider

  1. In Zero Trust, go to Settings > Authentication.

  2. Under Login methods, select Add new.

  3. Select OpenID Connect.

  4. Name your identity provider and fill in the required fields with the information obtained from Amazon Cognito.

  5. (Optional) Enable Proof of Key Exchange (PKCE) if the protocol is supported by your IdP. PKCE will be performed on all login attempts.

  6. (Optional) Under Optional configurations, enter custom OIDC claims that you wish to add to users’ identity. This information will be available in the user identity endpoint.

  7. Select Save.

To test that your connection is working, select Test.

Example API Configuration

"config": {
"client_id": "<your client id>",
"client_secret": "<your client secret>",
"auth_url": "https://<your user pool domain>/oauth2/authorize",
"token_url": "https://<your user pool domain>/oauth2/token",
"certs_url": "https://cognito-idp.<region><your user pool ID>/.well-known/jwks.json",
"scopes": ["openid", "email", "profile"],
"claims": ["sub", "cognito:username", "name", "cognito:groups"]
"type": "oidc",
"name": "Amazon Cognito example"